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How to Start?

What is Functional Training?


Functional training exercises are a form of training aimed at balancing the whole body with functional movements in which more than one joint is involved and many main muscle groups participate in the movement. Objectives; increasing cardiovascular durability, work capacity, strength, flexibility, explosive strength, speed, coordination, agility, balance, and body control. The movements used by the Functional training method are formed by the combination of Olympic weightlifting techniques, basic gymnastic movements and athleticism.

Who Can Do It?


This sport can be done by anyone who does not have a serious physical problem, heart and high blood pressure.

Whether you have just started working out or have past experience, you can easily do this sport and get very good results.

In work out programs, there are levels according to every age and gender.

Why should I do Functional Training?


Regardless of your purpose, whether you want to make muscle, lose weight, tighten or strengthen … You can accomplish all with functional training!

And with spending less time! At functional training, no training is the same. For each work out, you will work with different programs and constantly changing training methods.

You will not believe the changes in a short time!

These are trainings that have been prepared for people who have never done functional training or who have not enough technical knowledge.

It consists of 4 lessons. Once completed these lessons with the basic movements of functional training are shown and the functional training philosophy is told, you can continue with WOD work outs.

Daily training programs written by “box” trainers.

Free working hours. At these times, people can do the work out they want, or they can do WOD training if they want.